Chinese Immigrant SCHOOLS Anti-2A Activist On Gun Control – Trump News Today


At a New Hampshire town hall meant to discuss community safety, the conversation took a sharp turn when a Chinese immigrant passionately challenged a well-known gun control advocate.

On Wednesday night, David Hogg, a Parkland High School graduate, faced tough questioning from Lily Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant and Congressional candidate for 2024. Williams, who survived the harsh realities of communism in China, passionately argued against efforts that infringe on Second Amendment rights. The town hall, aimed at discussing community safety and gun legislation, quickly pivoted to a debate on the implications of strict gun control measures. Williams, born in Sichuan province just before Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, shared her personal experiences of living under a regime that she said oppressed and starved its people.

“Hi, my name is Lily Tang Williams. Welcome to my live free or die state,” she addressed the audience. “Actually, I am a Chinese immigrant who survived communism. And under Mao, you know, 40 million people were starving to death after he sold communism to them. And 20 million people died, murdered, during his Cultural Revolution.”

“So my question to you, David, is that can you guarantee me, a gun owner tonight, our government in the U.S. in D.C. will never never become a tyrannical government? Can you guarantee that to me?” she asked.

Hogg responded, “There’s no way I can ever guarantee that any government will not be tyrannical,” which prompted Williams to declare, “Well then the debate on gun control is over because I will never give up my guns. Never, never.”


Williams further criticized the effectiveness of gun control in authoritarian states, advising Hogg, “You should go to China to see how gun control works for the dictatorship of CCP.”

David Hogg, who became a prominent figure in the anti-gun movement following the tragic shooting at his school, was visibly challenged by Williams’ fervent defense of gun rights. The town hall served not only as a forum for debate but also underscored the deeply personal and divisive nature of the gun control discussion in America.

Williams is not only campaigning for office but also serves as the Chair of the NH Asian American Coalition and is actively involved with the U.S. Parents Involved in Education and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, DC according to her site.


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