Dick Morris to Newsmax: Dems’ ‘Torture’ of Trump an Easter ‘Metaphor’


Presidential campaign adviser Dick Morris listened to Good Friday sermons and lamented the marked similarities to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the political persecution of former president Donald Trump.

“The metaphor between what they put Jesus Christ through and what they put Donald Trump through just jumps out at you,” Morris told Newsmax’s “Saturday Report.”

“The idea of everybody in authority, everybody in a position of power, doing everything they can to torture him, scourge him, strip him of his property, debase him, degrade him, and ultimately defeat him is so clearly what the Democrats are doing to Donald Trump.

“And the metaphor to me was just very striking.”

Morris admitted to host Rita Cosby the “blasphemy” of equating anything to the crucifixion of Jesus, but noted political undertones in the persecution of the “King of the Jews” were a potential example of history repeating itself.

Appearing with Morris was McLaughlin & Associates pollster John McLaughlin, who noted the American people are behind Trump, who leads Biden by a year-high of 6 points in their latest poll.

“That’s the highest we had them all year,” McLaughlin told Cosby. “Fox News, which is the other channel, but doesn’t quote our polls – doesn’t quote Newsmax polls or anything – they had Trump up a record amount, too, for theirs.

“But I’ll tell you what was amazing is in that poll, our poll 56%-30%, the voters – the majority of the country – said that they know that Joe Biden is trying to put Donald Trump in jail to stop from winning the election.”


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Eric Mack ✉

Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.

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