“Crucial Victory For Election Integrity” – RNC Celebrates Mail-In Ballot Ruling – Trump News Today


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Federal judges ruled in favor of upholding enforcement of dates for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania.

The court ruled that it is okay for Pennsylvania to require correct handwritten dates on the outer envelopes of mail-in ballots.

CBS News reported:

A panel of federal judges ruled on Wednesday to uphold the enforcement of dates on mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania.

A divided 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it was permissible for Pennsylvania to require correct handwritten dates on outer envelopes on mail-in ballots, overturning a lower court ruling that sided in favor of voting rights advocates – who argued tossing ballots with wrong dates ran afoul of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The ruling in the case NAACP v. Schmidt, brings the return of a technical mandate that caused thousands of votes to be declared invalid in the 2022 election. The state said many voters wrote their birthdate on the envelope when they should have been writing the date prior to Election Day that they filled out the ballot.

The total number of votes that have been thrown out is a small fraction of the large state’s electorate, but the court’s ruling puts additional attention on Pennsylvania’s election procedures ahead of the battleground state’s primary election being held on April 23.

The RNC called it a “crucial victory for election integrity and voter confidence in the Keystone State and nationwide.”


Following the news that the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of an RNC-led election integrity lawsuit regarding signature verification for mail voting in Pennsylvania, RNC Chairman Michael Whatley released the following statement.

“This is a crucial victory for election integrity and voter confidence in the Keystone State and nationwide. Pennsylvanians deserve to feel confident in the security of their mail ballots, and this 3rd Circuit ruling roundly rejects unlawful left-wing attempts to count undated or incorrectly dated mail ballots. Republicans will continue to fight and win for election integrity in courts across the country ahead of the 2024 election.”


In November 2022, the RNC, NRCC, and PAGOP secured a victory on this issue in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. A federal district court then struck down the dated signature requirement in November 2023. We appealed, and now the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed with the RNC’s argument.

This was a 2-1 ruling handed down by 3 Democrat-appointed judges. This ruling will have far-reaching effects regarding left-wing attempts to weaponize the Materiality Provision of the Civil Rights Act across the country and represents a victory for mail ballot safeguards in a crucial swing state.

The RNC has engaged in 81 cases of election integrity litigation this cycle alone with more to come.


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