BLM Agitators Storm TPUSA Event Headlined By Kyle Rittenhouse, Proceed To Attack Attendees – Trump News Today


Far-left activists chanting “Black Lives Matter” and “No justice, no peace” disrupted a Turning Point USA event headlined by Kyle Rittenhouse at the University of Memphis on Wednesday evening. As the event was letting out, the left-wing mob attempted to assault event attendees, prompting police to step in.

According to Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, the event was marred by agitators from the outset. “The school has gone to incredible lengths to hamstring this event,” Kirk wrote in an X post.

While hundreds of students had reserved tickets, the school forced the organization to change their ticketing system just hours before the event began. This was done to ensure “fair and equitable” ticketing, Kirk said.

As a result, many students who wished to attend the event were shut out, leaving the door open for far-left agitators to reserve seats. “We had thousands of people register for tickets to this event, but the school would only give us a venue with 330 seat. No overflow. No larger venue,” Kirk said.

Just minutes after Rittenhouse started his speech, the mob stood up and started to shout as they exited the auditorium. “That don’t mean I got to accept what you sayin’ bruh,” one of the agitators, who was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt, could be heard shouting.

In addition, the Turning Point USA chapter president who organized the event was doxed and had his personal information plastered all over the internet by the mob. “The campus police and school administrator shrugged their shoulders,” Kirk reported.

Outside the event, another group of agitators chanted “murderer” and “no justice, no peace” as they shouted at police. Once the event started to let out, chaos erupted as the hostile crowd started to chase attendees. “Get him!” shouted multiple members of the mob.

Footage captured by on-the-ground reporter Julio Rosas shows a large crowd of agitators chasing a small group of attendees who were attempting to exit the area. Police were forced to step in-between them in order to stop the mob from assaulting the students.

The mob then followed them into the parking garage, where police once again had to prevent agitators from swarming event attendees. Some members of the mob could be seen spitting on and hitting cars as students exited the garage.

“This is what happens when school administrators pander to petulant children. You get chaos. Our brave students will press forward but this is unacceptable, especially in a Tennessee,” Kirk wrote in an X post.

“Memphis had record homicides last year, but apparently our students and Kyle Rittenhouse are the problem for the University of Memphis.”

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