Tommy Tuberville to Newsmax: Dems Will Replace Biden as Nominee


Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., told Newsmax on Thursday that he thinks Democrats will drop President Joe Biden as their presidential nominee in favor of someone who can give former President Donald Trump a “run for his money.”

Biden traveled to California on a three-day campaign fundraising trip this week, prompting some to question whether the White House was looking to recruit Gov. Gavin Newsom to take his place as the Democrat nominee. Biden dismissed a question on Tuesday about whether the visit is “about coming up with a Plan B for 2024” involving Newsom.

Tuberville told “Wake Up America” that about “four months ago, I thought he (Biden) probably would make it” to the next election, “but to see his decline over the last few months, I don’t think he’ll make it.”

The senator added: “Just watch him yesterday, walking on a tarmac in LA, with (California Democrat Rep.) Nancy Pelosi, shuffling his feet, looking at the ground.”

Tuberville went on to predict that Democrats will drop Biden in favor of another candidate before the party holds its national convention in August.

“We got to have some leadership in this country,” he said. “I don’t know what they’re going to do. President Trump is going to win anyway, but I think they’ll change, probably around the convention time, move somebody in to try to get President Trump a run for his money.”

The Alabama Republican added: “But Joe Biden, he can’t win. He’s trying to stay in there just so he can stay out of jail, to be honest with you.”

When asked who he thinks Democrats would replace Biden with, if he were to exit the race, Tuberville said he had no idea: “I’m sure they’re behind the scenes right now trying to figure out the best scenario. They don’t know what to do with Kamala Harris, the vice president. They’re going to have to satisfy her in some way, but they got a huge problem.”


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Theodore Bunker ✉

Theodore Bunker, a Newsmax writer, has more than a decade covering news, media, and politics.

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