Pelosi Claims She Can’t Criticize Biden’s Age Because ‘He’s Younger Than I Am’ – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi incredibly claimed during a CNN interview on Monday that she really can’t criticize President Joe Biden’s age despite his obvious mental shortcomings because “he’s younger than I am.”

Pelosi, who turns 84 next month, defended the 81-year-old Biden even as she made several verbal gaffes of her own.

“I’ve worked with the president for a long time, especially closely as speaker when he was president, and now since then, and he knows– I mean, he’s always on the ball,” she told host Anderson Cooper. “Anyone who would think that they’re at some advantage because of his age thinks that they’re in peril because he’s very sharp.”

Cooper noted there are “a lot of Democrats who have concerns about his age” and “about his mental fitness,” referencing the recent incident where Biden appeared to confuse Mexico and Egypt in addressing a question about his – ironically — mental acuity.


Pelosi responded:

Well, I think that people do make mistakes. I think his age is one thing, that’s an objective fact. His making mistakes from time to time, we all do that. When the former, ex-president, defeated President Trump made a mistake about one thing or another, he would make the same mistake seven times. It wasn’t a slip of the tongue, it was a complete going down a path of something that wasn’t even true, intentionally or otherwise.

So I think that, again, age is an objective fact. As I say, it’s all relative. He’s younger than I am, so what do I have to say about his age? But he is, again, knowledgeable, wise.

She added: “Joe Biden has vision, he has knowledge, he has a strategic thinker. This is a very sharp president in terms of his public presentation. If he makes a slip of the tongue here or there, what’s the deal?”

The vast majority of Americans do not share the California Democrat’s opinion of Biden’s mental fitness.

According to a new NBC News poll, nearly 9 in 10 respondents, or 89 percent, have some concerns about Biden’s mental status.

“The poll published Tuesday — ahead of Biden’s press conference Thursday where he was grilled about his age and mental acuity — found that 62 percent of registered voters nationally have ‘major concerns’ that he does not have ‘the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.’ Another 14 percent have ‘moderate’ worries, while 13 percent expressed ‘minor concerns,’” Breitbart News reported, citing the results.

By comparison, just over 1 in 10 said they had “no concerns” about Biden’s mental state.

The fallout from Special Counsel Robert Hur’s damning report regarding Biden’s mishandling of classified information continued this week after he released his findings, and much of it has to do not with Biden’s documents but with his declined mental state.

Hur’s 388-page report, which took the White House by surprise and sent shockwaves through the administration, documented Biden’s memory loss dating back nearly a decade, which clearly puts him in 25th Amendment territory.

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“Mr. Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Hur wrote in explaining his rationale for refusing prosecution. “…It would be difficult to convince a jury they should convict him – by then a former president who will be at least well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” the report said, adding that Biden also could not recall the years he served as vice president or the year his son, Beau, died of brain cancer.

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