Georgia Congressman Says Mass Migration Will Turn America Into a Third World Nation – Trump News Today


On February 6, 2024, Georgia Congressman Mike Collins made a simple observation that got the corporate media all riled up. 

In a post that he published on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Collins declared “Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world.” 


This is a clear reference to the massive wave of immigration that’s overwhelming the US’s southern border with Mexico. 

Since President Joe Biden was installed in power at the beginning of 2021, 5 million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border, per figures from the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Most of these migrants hail from the Third World and are not exactly the best talent those countries have to offer. A good portion will likely end up on the public dole and another will likely form a criminal underclass. 

Moreover, the massive influx of migrants will put downward pressure on American worker wages. After all, mass migration is very much a pro-Big Business endeavor. 

As BLP has previously reported, certain representatives such as Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale have introduced immigration moratorium legislation to address this crisis. In previous decades, such legislation would be unheard of among Republicans. However, the populist shift that has taken place within the GOP has brought immigration ideas to mainstream discussions within the party.

More representatives not only need to acknowledge this crisis, but also take legislative action to address it. This is an existential crisis that could fundamentally alter the very character of the US. 

If we can’t get immigration sorted out, the US will cease to exist as a coherent polity. 

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