Just 27% Of Nikki Haley’s Voters Are Actually Republicans, Exit Poll Finds – Trump News Today


A CNN exit poll found that just 27 percent of Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire Republican primary voters are actually Republicans.

Among Trump voters, the poll found that 70 percent of them were registered Republicans while 27 percent were registered undeclared. An additional three percent were unregistered before voting.

The results found a complete inverse for Haley voters, just 27 percent of whom were actually registered as Republicans, according to the poll. A majority of Haley’s voters — 70 percent — were registered as undeclared while three percent were unregistered before Tuesday’s primary.

One voter told CNN that he cast his ballot for Haley to “vote against Trump.”

“I think it would be better to have her against Biden in the elections than it to be Trump,” he said. When asked if he would describe himself as a Republican, an independent or a Democrat, the man described himself as a Democrat.

“So when you undeclared, you voted for Nikki Haley. If it was Nikki Haley against Joe Biden in the general election, who are you voting for?” the man was asked by a CNN reporter. “Joe Biden,” he replied.

CNN also found that just 17 percent of Trump voters believe Joe Biden won the 2020 election. The result was once again radically different for Haley voters, 83 percent of whom believe the 2020 election was completely above board.

New Hampshire was viewed as a must-win for the Haley campaign after the former South Carolina governor spent more than $31,000,000 in the Granite State. She also devoted significant time and effort to rallies in the state.

Despite significant effort and help from Democrat voters, the race was called for former President Trump less than a half hour after polls closed.

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