‘Squad’ Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal Embarrasses Herself With Hilarious Gaffe – Trump News Today


Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a member of the progressive ‘Squad’, made a headline-worthy gaffe on Wednesday. While addressing the House, Jayapal intended to accuse former President Donald Trump of inciting an insurrection.

However, in a slip of the tongue, she mistakenly said “erection” instead of “insurrection.” The linguistic error quickly overshadowed the content of her speech, turning a serious accusation into fodder for jokes.

The verbal misstep transformed the serious tone of the debate into a scene out of a comedy sketch.


Jayapal, showcasing good humor, quickly corrected herself, but not before her misstatement became the highlight of the day in political circles.

The gaffe, far from going unnoticed, was gleefully picked up by commentators across the political spectrum. Pundits used the opportunity to poke fun at the Congresswoman, noting the irony in a prominent critic of Trump making such a comical error.


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