Dem Senator Hit With Another Charge – Trump News Today


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Dem Senator Bob Menendez just got hit with another charge.

The new charge alleges that Menendez took gifts from a real estate company and a Qatari investment company.

This was related to public action that helped the Qatari government.

Roll Call reported:

According to prosecutors, Menendez accepted cash and gold bars for his role in inducing the investment company, which has ties to the Qatari government, to invest with Fred Daibes, a New Jersey real estate developer.

The senator, who held top roles on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made multiple public statements supporting the Qatari government while the investment company was mulling whether it would invest in Daibes’ project, the indictment states. Menendez also provided the statements to Daibes before he released them so he could share them with a Qatari official and investor, the indictment states.

The new details add to the corruption allegations Menendez already faces, which span from the Garden State to Qatar and Egypt.

Prosecutors have said Menendez sought to use his influence to try to secure the nomination of a U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey whom he thought he could manipulate to derail the criminal prosecution of Daibes. In 2021, while Daibes was facing that prosecution, Menendez introduced Daibes to an investor who was part of the Qatari royal family and the principal of the investment company and was considering a multimillion-dollar investment into Daibes project, the indictment states.

Sen. Bob Menendez has recently been highly critical of some of the Biden administration’s foreign policy decisions.

ADN America reported:

At the time of the September indictment some analysts noted that the charges came after Menendez criticized Biden for unfreezing $6 billion in funds to release five American prisoners.

The new charges come less than two weeks after the Menendez criticized Biden for engaging in a prisoner exchange with the Venezuelan dictatorship that resulted in the release of a key Maduro ally.

The December prisoner deal resulted in the U.S. release of Maduro ally Alex Saab in exchange for the Venezuelan extradition of Leonard Francis, who faces federal sentencing for what one U.S. official once called, “one of the most brazen bribery conspiracies in the U.S. Navy’s history.”

While Justice Department officials were aiming to extradite Francis, Menendez did not feel the United States benefitted from the negotiation, and he accused the White House of striking “a deal in complete secrecy that will see one of Maduro’s most important allies released from prison.”


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