Jill Has To Remind Joe Biden His Favorite Food Is Ice Cream: Report – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

First lady Jill Biden appeared to have to remind her husband and President Joe Biden that ice cream is his favorite food, another example of why a growing number of Americans are not in favor of a second term for the current commander-in-chief.

“I’m curious, what sorts of holiday foods have you been enjoying over the last few days?” Former “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest asked Joe Biden during ABC’s Sunday night New Year’s Eve programming.

“Well, I’ve been eating everything that’s put in front of me,” Biden began. “But I’ve eaten pasta, which I love. I’ve eaten a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan; I’ve been eating all Italian foods, basically.”

“And ice cream,” the first lady chimed in, according to a video clip that went viral online.

“And ice cream,” the president then added. “Chocolate chip ice cream.”

As in the past, Biden’s behavior was mocked on social media.

“This is such a farce at this point, seriously??” one viewer wrote on X.


“All those hardball questions!” added another.

Biden would be 86 if he served a full second term.

Late last month, Sen. Ted Cruz dropped a bombshell about President Biden during a conservative event that got some laughs but also likely got a lot of people to start thinking about the country’s direction and future.

The Texas Republican, speaking at Turning Point USA’s annual AmericaFest event, Biden’s aides have begun to adopt new precautions for when the commander-in-chief travels.

“Listen, we have a president of the United States (whose) team carries extra pairs of pants with him when he travels in case he has poopy pants,” Cruz said, as noted in a viral clip posted online.

“Big and stinky if true,” conservative influencer Collin Rugg said in an X post containing the clip.

According to The Western Journal, however, that was only half of Cruz’s statement.

“I want you to pause and think how the enemies of America are feeling,” the senator continued, setting up a punchline for a joke: “Eh, depends.”

A growing number of Americans have been increasingly concerned about Biden’s apparent cognitive decline throughout his presidency. And last month, a former White House physician said it’s only “going to get worse” from this point on.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, who is now a GOP congressman from Texas, has regularly sounded the alarm bell regarding Biden’s obvious decline in mental capacity and did so again this week as it becomes more apparent that the president is struggling more.

“(The decline is) happening quickly,” Jackson told “Sunday Morning Futures” guest host Sean Duffy, Fox News reported.

“Like you said, I’ve taken care of three presidents… so I know firsthand what it takes to be the commander-in-chief and the head of state. It’s a grueling job, both mentally and physically. This man can’t do the job. He’s proven to us every single day that he can’t do the job, but this is going to get worse,” Jackson continued.

Jackson served as a physician under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations.

“It’s just unbelievable how much he’s degenerated just during his time in office. We cannot afford to have this man in office for the remainder of this term and then (for) another four years after that. He’s already putting us at great risk right now,” Jackson continued, noting the big change he has seen in Biden since he began running for president in 2019.

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