DC Officials Charged In Vote Fraud Case By Election Officials – Trump News Today



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An elected official in Washington, D.C., along with five others, has been charged in connection with vote fraud allegations after casting ballots in more than one jurisdiction.

According to a report by NBC Washington, Vanessa Rubio, an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in Ward 4, voted in both D.C. and Maryland in the 2020 general election, according to the DC Elections Board.

“Documents from the board state Rubio voted in person in Maryland on Nov. 1, 2020, and then in D.C. on Nov. 3, 2020,” the report stated.

The documents state that Rubio admitted she voted twice but did not think it was improper because Washington, D.C., is not a state, the report said.

The board fined Rubio $500.

Meanwhile, the ANC 4E head noted on Wednesday that the other commissioners have petitioned Rubio to resign, but she won’t do so. As a result, they intend to bring up a motion to censure her and remove her from her position as secretary.


NBC Washington noted further:

Five other voters who the board said double-voted were ordered to pay a lesser fine of $100 each. They also voted in D.C. and Maryland, officials said. The board said it ordered Rubio to pay a heftier fine due to her position as an elected official. None of the six cases are related to one another, officials said.

President Joe Biden honored two Georgia women who were at the center of a significant 2020 election controversy that turned out to be in their favor nearly a year ago, along with about a dozen other people, to commemorate the second anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol Building riot.

Biden honored poll workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who both received the Presidential Citizens Medal. The pair were accused of taking part in a vote fraud scheme in Fulton County and of hiding suitcases full of ballots underneath a table where they worked. A subsequent investigation cleared them of any wrongdoing, though they were removed from their positions while the probe progressed.

During the ceremony, Biden praised the two women and the group in general but got the date wrong: “July 6th.”

“A violent mob of insurrectionists assaulted law enforcement, vandalized sacred halls, and hunted down elected officials—all to attempt to overthrow the will of the people and usurp the peaceful transfer of power,” the president said, according to a White House transcript of his comments.

“All of it—all of it was fueled by lies about the 2020 election. But on this day two years ago, our democracy held because “we the people,” as the Constitution refers to us, did not flinch,” Biden added.

He also honored several Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police officers, as well as five civilians, including Albert Schmidt, a city commissioner on the Philadelphia County Board of Elections, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers.

The AP reported in October 2021 that the two women were cleared:

Investigators in Georgia haven’t found any evidence to substantiate claims that fraudulent or counterfeit ballots were counted in Fulton County during the 2020 general election, according to a court filing.

Lawyers with the state attorney general’s office filed a response brief on Tuesday that details the investigative steps taken in response to the claims.

The brief filed Tuesday on behalf of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger addresses allegations made in affidavits filed with the lawsuit that say witnesses saw suspicious-looking absentee ballots during a hand count of ballots that stemmed from a state audit requirement.

“Based upon the witness statements and examination of approximately 1,000 absentee ballots and ballot images, the Secretary’s investigators have not uncovered any absentee ballots that match the descriptions given… or otherwise appear to be fraudulent or counterfeit,” the brief said.

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