Trump Vows To Replace Obamacare – Trump News Today


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Donald Trump wants to give Americans a good healthcare program.

He vowed to replace Obamacare with a better alternative – he called Obamacare too expensive and not good healthcare.

Truth Social:

Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

Several attempts by Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare have failed.

The Hill reported:

After several failed “repeal and replace” efforts in Congress and a number of losing battles in court, Republicans have largely given up on the issue, focusing instead of issues such as the economy and crime.

Last month, Trump similarly resurfaced his criticism of the health care law, catching many GOP lawmakers off guard when pressed by reporters on his policy proposal.

Trump, facing some pressure, tried to walk back his comments, saying, “I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE.”

“Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH,” he wrote on Truth Social last month. “America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!”


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