JD Vance Obliterates AP Reporter For Comparing Trump To Hitler: ‘Do Some Journalism’ – Trump News Today


Senator JD Vance (R-OH) turned the tables on an Associated Press reporter after she compared former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric to that of Adolf Hitler.

Mainstream media outlets and elected Democrats have pounced on a statement delivered by the former president during a campaign rally last weekend. In reference to illegal aliens, Trump said the record-breaking surge of migrants and collapse of the southern border is “poisoning the blood” of the nation.

Critics have distorted Trump’s statements to mean immigrants as a whole, with many going so far as to once again compare his rhetoric to that of Adolf Hitler.

Senator Vance was asked about the comment while speaking with reporters on Capital Hill earlier this week.

“I’ve been asked this question a number of times, and here’s my view on these comments. First of all, he didn’t say immigrants were poisoning the blood of this country. He said illegal immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country, which is objectively and obviously true to anybody who looks at the statistics about fentanyl overdoses,” Vance said. “And I think just one observation about the press as an organization, you guys seem far more upset about the guy who criticized the problem than you do about Joe Biden who’s causing this problem.”

The reporter then tried to steer the topic back to Trump, accusing him of using “language that we heard during World War II.”

“I’m sure you’re a student of history, you’re well aware what that kind of language represents in historical context,” she said.

Vance responded by asking which organization she works for, at which point she identified herself as an employee of the Associated Press. “The idea that I am well aware, you just framed your question implicitly assuming that Donald Trump is talking about Adolf Hitler. It’s absurd. It is absurd,” the freshman senator pushed back. “Why do you think that Donald Trump’s language is targeted at the blood of the immigrants and not at the blood of the American citizens who are being poisoned by the fentanyl problem?”

“I think this is ridiculous. If you watch the speech in context and you look at what’s going on, it is obvious that he was talking about the very clear fact that the blood of Americans is being poisoned by a drug epidemic,” he continued. “To take that comment and then to immediately assume that he’s talking about immigrants as Adolf Hitler talked about Jews is preposterous. You guys need to wake up and actually do some journalism.”

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