Do The Feds Have FISA Evidence Against The Bidens? – Trump News Today


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The Feds might have FISA evidence against the Bidens.

According to Court records, the FBI and DOJ compiled FISA evidence while Hunter Biden and James Biden were dealing with CEFC officials.

Joe Biden also met with them twice.

Just The News reported:

Ever since Hunter Biden was captured in a recording calling his client, Patrick Ho, “the f—ing spy chief of China,” questions have swirled around the Chinese official who headed a U.S.-based think-tank that worked to advance the interests of CEFC China Energy and its now-vanished founder, Ye Jianming.

Court records from Ho’s case reviewed by Just the News show the FBI and Justice Department gathered evidence under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) from around the time when Hunter Biden and his uncle James were dealing with CEFC officials, including Ho.

Joe Biden also met twice with CEFC officials: once as vice president and once as a private citizen, according to statements made by a family friend to the FBI.

“The United States intends to offer into evidence, or otherwise use or disclose in any proceedings in the above-captioned matter, information obtained or derived from electronic surveillance and physical search conducted pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA),” federal prosecutors wrote in a February 2018 filing in the Ho case.

More information from Real Clear Investigations:

Court records and other documents show that Hunter Biden met with Ho’s boss Ye Jianming in February 2017 in Miami, where the CEFC chief offered him up to $30 million for “introductions alone,” according to emails. Ye – who had connections to both China’s Communist Party in China and its armed forces, the People’s Liberation Army – sealed the deal with a lucrative gift to Hunter: a 3.16-carat diamond worth an estimated $80,000. (Hunter never returned the large gem.)

Not long after their private dinner, CEFC began wiring millions of dollars from China to pass-through companies set up by Hunter Biden. Over the next 14 months, Hunter and Jimmy Biden (as the latter is known to family and friends) ultimately received almost $6 million from CEFC entities, according to congressional investigators, including $1 million from Ho. At the time, the FBI was tracking Ho’s and CEFC’s “bank and wire transfer records,” according to DOJ records, which indicates agents were aware of the China-based payments to the Bidens.

As Hunter was meeting Ye that February, DOJ records show, the FBI renewed a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting Ho. Former FBI officials say agents had a clear window into how the Chinese were attempting to cultivate the Bidens.

When Hunter formally structured the CEFC deal in May 2017, text messages found on his abandoned laptop reveal, he was worried about running afoul of two federal laws: the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – which Ho was convicted of violating – and FARA.

Investigators for the Biden impeachment inquiry want to see the FISA evidence to see if there is anything to do with the Bidens.

Rep Andy Biggs said: “This is certainly interesting information. We will pursue every piece of evidence that relates to Hunter Biden and his father. If there are FISA intercepts, it is something we should try to get.”

Jason Foster, the now-retired Chief Investigative Counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee: “If the government intercepted Patrick Ho’s communications during the time he was working with Hunter Biden and his associates, then those intercepts may contain information Congress needs to conduct its constitutional oversight and impeachment inquiry functions.”


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