Joe Biden Appears to Forget Name Of ‘Introducer’ At Event – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

President Joe Biden appears more and more decrepit by the day to tens of millions of Americans, and the way he behaves at public events is not helping him convince them otherwise.

Case in point: Biden, during a visit to the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md., on Wednesday, appeared to forget the name of the person who introduced him at the event.

“I wanna thank y’all for taking the time to be here. I wanna thank my…my introducer,” Biden said as he mumbled something else regarding “two thousand bucks a year.”

For months, both Republican and Democratic voters have increasingly expressed concerns about the appearance of Biden’s declining cognitive abilities, as he has trouble speaking and remembering. In addition, he has tripped and even fallen on several occasions throughout his presidency.

Poll after poll shows Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris, deeply underwater in terms of approval ratings as the economy slows, prices for nearly everything most Americans use and need daily rise, interest rates continue to skyrocket, and the southwestern border remains a porous mess.



What’s more, Democrats are also increasingly fearful that Biden, at 80 and showing signs of rapid physical and mental deterioration, may not even live out his current term, leaving the party stuck with Harris, who has consistently polled worse than the president.

“He is in a period of his life where passing and death is imminent,” Sharon Sweda, head of the Democratic Party in Lorain County in Ohio, told the Washington Post, adding that she often hears from voters worried about the president’s fragile condition.

“We are all on a ticking clock. But when you’re at his age or at Trump’s age, that clock is ticking a little faster, and that’s a concern for voters,” she continued, the Post noted.

The outlet added: Many in the party continue to voice confidence in Biden, and they note that Trump himself is not much younger at 77. But Biden’s allies are frustrated by the hand-wringing from an anxious faction of the party, and even as campaign officials point to the president’s record of defying skeptics, they are strategizing internally about how to best combat the unmistakable nervousness.

“I’m not saying that this is going to be easy and he’s fine,” Messina told the Post. “Look, America is split right down the middle. Both parties are going to get 46 percent, and we’re fighting over the rest.”

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough made a startling admission on-air in September about what most Democrats really think about Biden in private.

“Mika and I, everybody we talk to, every political discussion, all it talks a lot about Trump, but when it comes to Joe Biden, people say, ‘Man, he’s too old to run. He’s, and I mean, he’s not going to; he’s not really going to run…’”

“When I say every discussion, I don’t mean 99 percent of the discussion. Every discussion,” he noted further. “I asked Reverend Al if he was hearing it all the time on our show this past week. He’s hearing it as well.”

“So, you know, we often will complain about Republicans who will say one thing about Donald Trump off the air and another on air,” Scarborough continued. “Well, let me just say, Democrats, off the air, will say ‘Joe Biden’s too old. Why is he running.’ On the air? They won’t say that.”

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