Shouting Match Ensues After Christie Corners DeSantis Over Trump’s ‘Mental Fitness’ – Trump News Today


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis got into a shouting match with Chris Christie during Wednesday night’s debate, with Christie pressing DeSantis to give a definitive answer on former President Donald Trump’s “fitness” for office.

“The question was very direct. Is he fit to be president or isn’t he? The rest of the speech is interesting, but completely non-responsive. And if we were in a courtroom, they’d strike the answer,” Christie said, pressing DeSantis to give a definitive answer. “They would strike the answer because you’re not answering it,” the former governor went on to say.

“You have your thing, you have your thing,” DeSantis shot back, referencing Christie’s frequent criticisms of the former president. The Florida governor then delivered a seemingly pre-prepared speech about Trump’s age as Christie continued to demand a concrete answer.

The exchange has drawn comparisons to a 2016 debate highlight between Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Christie. Like DeSantis, Rubio stumbled through canned talking points while Christie accused him of lacking authenticity.

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