Joe Biden Popularity Drops Again – Hits Lowest Ever – Trump News Today


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The bad news continues to roll in for Joe Biden.

A new CNN poll found that his approval just sunk again.

His approval is 37% with 63% disapproving of him – this is the lowest of his presidency.

The Hill reported:

President Biden’s job approval rating ticked down again in the latest CNN poll, dropping to 37 percent, a signal that the president’s favor is further eroding as he campaigns for another term in 2024.

Biden boasted approval figures in the 50s at the start of his term, and still had 45 percent at the beginning of this year, according to the CNN polling. The latest figure is down two points from 39 percent at beginning of the month.

Nearly two-thirds, or 63 percent, now say they disapprove of Biden.

Just a third of voters in the new poll said they approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, down three points from October, while 67 percent disapprove.


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