Felon Who Allegedly Stabbed Derek Chauvin Over 20 Times Had Previously Worked as FBI Informant – Trump News Today


The felon who allegedly stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times in an assassination attempt inside an Arizona prison last month had previously worked as an FBI informant.

52-year-old John Turscak has been charged with attempted murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault to commit murder, and assault resulting in serious bodily injury after allegedly committing the brutal attack on Chauvin. Turscak had been involved with the Mexican Mafia, and according to charging documents, picked Black Friday (Nov. 24) to target Chauvin as a nod to the Black Lives Matter terror movement.

Interestingly, Turscak became an FBI informant in 1997 to get leniency after nearly a decade of crimes with the Mexican Mafia. He reportedly ratted out the gang and provided information about his former associates to federal authorities.

It is unclear whether or not Turscak continues to work with the deep state and attempted to assasinate Chauvin before the former Minneapolis police officer was able to clear his name after being railroaded in his murder case of the fentanyl-addicted thug George Floyd.

Big League Politics has reported on Chauvin’s appeal over his murder conviction:

Former Minneapolis law enforcement officer Derek Chauvin is appealing his murder conviction, claiming that he was found guilty by a “poisoned jury” that was influenced by threats from far-left activists as well as biased media coverage about the case.

Chauvin was convicted last year of murdering George “Fentanyl” Floyd, the serial felon drug addict who would become the Christ figure for the Black Lives Matter terror movement after dying of an overdose in police custody. Police body cam footage of the incident was deliberately withheld from the public for months in order to manipulate public opinion, resulting in sustained riots that devastated the nation throughout the summer of 2020.

“Pretrial publicity coupled with threats of violence poisoned the jury against Appellant Derek Chauvin,” a legal brief filed by Chauvin’s attorneys hoping to overturn their client’s state-level murder conviction argues.

The brief points to “local daily media coverage,” “protests at the courthouse,” and “riots in response to the events in question” as factors that caused Chauvin’s trial to become a farce. It noted that the riots were “the second-most destructive riots in American history that caused $500,000,000 in property damage and two deaths in the local Hennepin County area.”

“(P)rejudice is presumed when the community from which jurors are drawn is sufficiently poisoned either by adverse publicity or the effects of the very events at issue – in this case the second worst riots in U.S. history,” the brief states. “Presumed prejudice requires changing venue because voir dire cannot perform its usual function of securing a fair and impartial jury.”

“With the biased media coverage, the Floyd riots, the Brooklyn Center riots during the trial, the lack of cooling period, and legally-impossible conviction on all charged counts, Chauvin’s case lands in the company of extreme cases where publicity went beyond the bounds of mere news media and had a physical effect on the venue community such that voir dire was impotent and prejudice is presumed,” the defense brief continued.

With recent news of the “extreme” pressure levied on prosecutors to crucify Chauvin, it was becoming more likely that Chauvin would eventually have his case re-examined, achieve justice in the courts, and have his name cleared. This is why he had to go. It should come as no surprise that a federal informant would move in such a brutal manner to eliminate Chauvin as to protect the sanctity of the George Floyd blood libel that fuels the BLM racial animus destroying America.

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