Irish Leader Downplays Stabbing of Children While Obsessing Over Mass Protests Instead – Trump News Today


On November 24, 2023, the day after an Algerian man stabbed three   children and a teacher assistant, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar spent more time talking about protests and riots that ensued than the egregious crimes committed by the deranged individual. 

Varadkar started off by mentioning the “two terrible attacks” that occurred on November 23, one “on innocent children” and the other “on our society and the rule of law.”  Oliver JJ Lane of Breitbart News noted that the Irish Prime Minister spoke for nearly six minutes, but only spent 42 seconds criticizing the man who was loitering outside a school prior to engaging in a stabbing attack, while spending four minutes and 20 seconds condemning the individuals who went out to protest and even riot in response to this foreign national’s attack. 

Varadkhar followed up by noting: “yesterday evening some people decided the best way to respond to this terrible attack would be to take to the streets of Dublin to try to terrify, intimidate, loot and destroy. Their first reaction to a five-year-old child being stabbed was to burn our city, attack its businesses, and assault our (police).” 

Varadkar declared that the individuals who protested and rioted had “brought shame on Dublin, shame on Ireland, and shame on their families and themselves” and were not true patriots. 

On the night of November 23, 34 individuals were arrested and Irish media asserted that the protests were the most explosive that Dublin has experienced in recent years. Throughout these riots, several vehicles which included a police car, several buses, and trams were burnt.  In addition, agitators looted scores of shops. One law enforcement officer was seriously injured during the riot incident. 

On the night of November 24, there were as another set of protests, but they were not as disruptive. 

Law enforcement explored the perpetrator’s potential motives and had even considered a terrorism motive. However, law enforcement eventually determined that the suspect was “highly agitated” over an unspecified “grievance” which prompted him to attack children leaving a local school, and a teacher who tried to shield the students from the deranged man’s attack.

What’s happening in Ireland is a failure of multiculturalism. As long as the country continues to import hundreds of thousands of foreigners, more incidents of this nature will pop off. That’s the cost of fanatically embracing diversity. Hopefully, other countries take note of the Irish example and avoid its policies as much as possible.


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