Biden’s Re-Election Chances Threatened – Approval With Young Americans Low – Trump News Today


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Joe Biden just got even more bad news.

His approval is low among a key group – young Americans.

New York Times chief political analyst Nate Cohn wrote an article titled “Why Biden’s Weakness Among Young Voters Should Be Taken Seriously.”

Breitbart reported:

President Joe Biden’s low approval rating among Americans between the ages of 18-29 threatens his reelection chances, New York Times’ chief political analyst Nate Cohn warned Monday in a 1,181-word article.

Cohn’s long article signals Biden’s dire hopes of winning reelection against likely Republican nominee former President Donald Trump.

Biden only leads 76-20 percent among young voters registered as Democrats or who previously voted in a Democrat primary.
Biden only leads Trump 69-24 percent among young nonwhite Democrats.
Cohn attributed Biden’s sluggish polling to three factors:

Young voters are by far the likeliest to say he’s just too old to be an effective president.
Many are upset about his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.
And all of this is against the backdrop of Mr. Biden’s longstanding weakness among young voters, who weren’t enthusiastic about him in 2020, and Mr. Trump’s gains among nonwhite voters, who are disproportionately young.

While Biden’s support crumbles, Trump’s continues to grow.


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