Adversary On Brink Of Peace Deal Under Trump Sheds Agreement In Biden Era – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Without a doubt, the world has become much more unstable under the leadership of aging President Joe Biden, as evidenced by wars in Ukraine, the Middle East, and growing tensions in Asia.

And now, Biden’s got another foreign policy problem on his hands.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un celebrated the launch last week of a spy satellite, saying it had “propelled the country into a new era of space power,” according to the BBC. While it was unclear by week’s end if the launch was successful, it’s worth noting that two previous attempts by Pyongyang to heft a spy satellite into orbit failed.

But more noteworthy is a statement put out by Kim’s defense ministry following the launch.

“From now on, our army will never be bound by the September 19 North-South Military Agreement,” said the statement, according to Reuters.

The deal is better known as the Comprehensive Military Agreement, which was signed in 2018 during then-President Donald Trump’s term.


“We will withdraw the military steps, taken to prevent military tension and conflict in all spheres including ground, sea and air, and deploy more powerful armed forces and new-type military hardware in the region along the Military Demarcation Line,” the statement said.

Reuters also reported that the launch came after “a rare trip by (Kim) to Russia, during which President Vladimir Putin vowed to help Pyongyang build satellites.”

Before his 2018 summing with then-South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Kim gave credit to his previous summit with Trump in Singapore for a large part of the reason why the North-South summit took place.

“Thanks to that, the political situation in the region has stabilized, and I expect more advanced results,” Kim said at the time.

Earlier this month, Trump vowed to resume his previous role as “peacemaker” if voters returned him to the White House next year.

Pledging to restore “American strength, power, and prestige” around the world, Trump told supporters at a New Hampshire rally that, to him, “Peace through strength is not just a political slogan, it is a moral duty — and it is my commitment to you, the American people.”

“As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige — and I will be your peacemaker in the Oval Office,” Trump told Granite State rallygoers in Claremont on Saturday, according to Newsmax.

The former president made several campaign pledges and statements during his speech, including a reminder that he is the only 2024 presidential candidate who can stop President Joe Biden from slow-walking into World War III.

“So whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or independent: If you don’t want your sons and daughters drafted to fight and die in distant foreign lands, if you don’t want your nation wrecked, if you don’t want your economy destroyed, if you don’t want American blood and American treasure squandered in a needless global war, then your choice in this election is simple: You must vote for President Donald J. Trump,” he said.

Newsmax added:


Trump also repeated his vow to bring back the Trump “travel ban” from majority Muslim nations that openly hate America and support terrorist proxies in the Middle East and his self-vowed “largest domestic deportation operation” in world history to investigate, find, and force expulsion of Hamas-supporting protesters, southern border human traffickers, and illegal aliens.

Speaking on Veterans Day, Trump denounced “the years of scandal, betrayal, and neglect of the Obama-Biden administration” foisted on America’s veterans.

“They were terrible, and they were treated terribly, and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it,” Trump said. “This wasn’t prime time for our people, and they weren’t able to defend themselves. They had people who would really mistreat our veterans, and we couldn’t do a thing about it because of the laws — civil service and otherwise. You couldn’t do a thing. They could be as bad as they wanted.”

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