Joe Biden’s Approval Below Past 3 Presidents – Trump News Today


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Joe Biden has been a disaster.

Biden’s average approval rating is trailing all three prior Presidents at the same time in their presidencies.

Biden’s average approval rating: 40.6%

Trump’s average approval rating: 41.9%

Obama’a average approval rating: 43.4%

Bush’s average approval rating: 51.3%

Breitbart reported:

President Joe Biden has a lower average approval rating than each of the last three presidents at similar points in their administrations, according to Real Clear Politics (RCP) polling data.

As of November 22, Biden’s average approval rating on the polling aggregation website registered at 40.6 percent. Conversely, an average of 55.5 percent of respondents in national polls that are counted toward the website’s running average disapprove of Biden’s performance as president. He owns a net -14.9 rating.

Biden underperforms former Presidents Donald Trump, Barrack Obama, and George W. Bush to similar points in their presidencies, according to RCP’s data from their administrations.

For example, Trump had an average approval rating of 44.3 percent on November 22, 2019, in his third year as president. Biden is 3.7 percentage points behind Trump’s pace. Trump’s disapproval rating at the time registered at 52.8 percent of voters, giving him a net -8.5 rating.

Imagine if the media actually covered all of the Biden administration’s failings.


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