Roger Stone Goes In Against Kevin McCarthy, Endorses His Primary Challenger David Giglio – Trump News Today


Today, conservative political icon Roger Stone issued a statement announcing his endorsement of David Giglio’s congressional campaign for California’s 20th House District against former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy:

“I’m sure you’re as fed up as I am with establishment politicians like Kevin McCarthy who have failed us time and time again. Kevin McCarthy is nothing more than a puppet of the Washington swamp, who was removed as Speaker for lying to the American people. It’s not enough to simply take away Kevin’s gavel. It’s time to remove him from Congress altogether.

That is why I am proud to announce that I have officially endorsed David Giglio for Congress in California’s 20th Congressional District.

David Giglio is the real deal. He’s a man of courage, integrity, and love for America. Unlike Kevin McCarthy, he will not be controlled by the special interests that are polluting our nation’s politics. David is committed to draining the swamp, dismantling the Deep State, and putting America First.

The Washington uniparty is wreaking havoc on our country, laundering billions of dollars of taxpayer money, weaponizing the justice department against conservatives, and aggressively pushing their radical WOKE agenda in our businesses, classrooms, and online.

Every dollar counts! We can’t afford to maintain the status quo. Let’s work together to ensure that California’s 20th District is represented by a leader who will fight alongside President Trump to defend our values, protect our freedoms, and put America first.

David Giglio issued a response to Stone’s endorsement by stating the following:

“Kevin McCarthy was a failure as Speaker and continues to fail as California’s 20th House District’s congressional representative. McCarthy had every opportunity to uphold the promises he made to the American people, and failed at every turn.

I am honored to be endorsed by Roger Stone because he is a true American patriot who loves this country and will do whatever it takes to drain the Washington swamp, disrupt the status quo, and make America first again.”

David Giglio is the only candidate currently running to oust McCarthy from California’s 20th congressional district. 

Giglio will work diligently to stop the mass migration invasion the ruling class has presided over. According his website, Giglio will do the following to push back migrant invasion: 

  • Impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas
  • Temporary moratorium on immigration until the border is fully secured, the wall is finished, the backlog of current pending cases is cleared, and the naturalization process is streamlined to meet 21st Century demands.
  • Merit based system.
  • Nationwide e-Verify.
  • End foreign aid to Mexico and other Central American nations until they commit to crushes the cartels.
  • Capital punishment for drug and human traffickers.

Additionally, the America First Republican vowed to stand against all gun control legislation and increased weaponization of the government to persecute America First individuals. As someone who cherishes election integrity, Giglio supports of  “same-day voting, a rigorous and transparent signature verification process for absentee ballots, and the implementation of nationwide voter ID laws.”

Political strategist Cliff Maloney commented on Stone’s endorsement of Giglio:

Electing Giglio would give America First Republicans another solid champion in a Congress that’s completely controlled by neoconservative and woke interventionists. To fight back against the Swamp, we’re going to need all the help we can get. 

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