WATCH: CNN Host Melts Down Over Javier Milei’s Election: ‘He Shares Trump’s Anger!’ – Trump News Today


CNN host Abby Phillip went into full meltdown mode while covering the election of Javier Milei in Argentina, characterizing him as a “far-right populist” who “shares Donald Trump’s anger” and used it to propel himself to victory earlier this month.

Phillip debuted her segment on the global rise of conservative, populist government, something she termed “far right” in an attempt to pin down universal disgust with politics as usual but which has benefited conservatives in the U.S., Brazil, Hungary, and other countries around the globe.

“Listen to Milei and he shared Donald Trump’s anger,” she said before showing a clip of Milei speaking with Tucker Carlson about how the liberals in his country believe they are gods who are “below” the average population.

Milei, who is pro-LGBT rights, anti-abortion, and supports legalized drug use and prostitution, presents “some nuance” worth review, said Phillip, who then proceeds to offer none whatsoever. In her segment, she compares him to other “far right” politicians like Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro, who lost his election, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who emphasizes socially conservative policies in contrast to the economic conservatism of Milei.

“This phenomenon, this right-wing populism but really the emphasis on the populism here, rather than an import to the United States in some ways an export to the rest of the world as well,” she said.


While the “export” of global populism is undoubtedly a phenomenon of President Trump’s 2016 victory, negative characterization in the mainstream media dovetails with opinion-driven segments that claim Trump’s populist appeal will result in the imprisoning or execution of political enemies or an end to prosecutorial independence at the Department of Justice.

President Trump meanwhile has successfully defined himself as a victim of a weaponized Justice Department under President Joe Biden, drawing populist support from independent and Black voters that have not supported a Republican presidential nominee in such numbers since the Civil Rights Act. A majority of Americans believe the four criminal indictments against President Trump, two of which are being brought by Biden’s Justice Department, are politically motivated.

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