Open Borders Gone Wild: Judge Orders DHS to Halt Cutting Wire at Texas-Mexico Border – Trump News Today


Towards the end of October 30, 2023, Federal Judge Alia Moses issued a temporary restraining order against the Biden regime for cutting concertina wire placed by the Texas state government to stem the flow of illegal aliens.

The Texas state government placed the wire along the shore of the Rio Grande as a way to deter illegal border crossings.

Attorney General Ken Paxton filed the lawsuit the week prior against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, in addition to the related agencies, and was filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Texas.

Judge Alia Moses issued the TRO on the morning of October 30, preventing federal agents from cutting the wire further, with the sole exception of “any medical emergency that most likely results in serious bodily injury or death to a person, absent any boats or other life-saving apparatus available to avoid such medical emergencies prior to reaching the concertina wire barrier.”

Furthermore, the judge set a hearing in the case for November 7 in Del Rio.

The wire cutting in question largely took place in Eagle Pass, which has been a critical point for illegal crossings. DHS claims to have been compelled to slash the wire at points to detain and process illegal aliens who cross into the US. 

By contrast, Paxton has argued that the Texas state government has a right to defend its border. 

“The federal government’s outrageous escalation in response to our lawsuit demonstrates Biden’s disturbing contempt for the State of Texas, for the citizens of the United States, and for our country’s entire foundation of the rule of law,” declared Paxton. “By acting quickly and monitoring their actions closely, we were able to secure a restraining order, and I am confident we will continue to prevail.”

The reality is that only red states are capable of enforcing immigration laws to protect the country against the Great Replacement agenda Open Borders Inc has unleashed on the country. Truth be told, the federal government has totally dropped the ball on immigration and cannot be trusted to protect the country’s cultural integrity. 

Texas cannot afford to back down in this case. If it loses this fight, not only will Republicans never be able to win again in the Lone Star State, the state will lose its unique strain of Anglo-American identity.

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