Biden Campaign Warns Of Very Close 2024 Election – Trump News Today


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The Biden campaign is worried about the 2024 election.

They just released a memo saying that the 2024 general election is going to be “very close.”

Axios reported:

President Biden’s campaign is confident it can reassemble the coalition that won the White House in 2020 — but Democrats’ optimism is tempered by a recognition that they face “a very close general election,” the campaign says.

Driving the news: In a memo Thursday, campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez outlined Biden’s strategy for the 2024 election, a year from Sunday: Offer voters a choice between the president’s steady hand and “whoever emerges from the extreme MAGA Republicans’ primary field.”

The campaign wants to avoid a straight referendum on Biden’s policies, some of which voters give poor marks — especially on the economy.

Zoom in: The memo lays out in print what Biden has been doing in practice since he announced his bid for re-election in April: selling his legislative accomplishments while running against former President Trump and his MAGA acolytes.

Recent polling showed Donald Trump leading Biden.

The Hill reported:

Former President Trump leads President Biden by 2 points in a hypothetical 2024 general election match-up and is improving his standing among young voters, according to a poll released Friday.

The Emerson College poll showed Trump ahead with 47 percent support to Biden’s 45 percent, with 8 percent undecided. That’s up 2 points for Trump compared to Emerson’s poll from last month, while Biden’s support remained the same.

No wonder, they are indicting Donald Trump!


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