Biden’s FBI Raids Political Opponent’s Top Campaign Operative – Trump News Today


The FBI has conducted a raid on the home of Brianna Suggs, a top fundraiser and close consultant to Mayor Eric Adams. The development comes amidst growing tensions between Joe Biden and Mayor Adams, particularly after Biden removed Adams from his campaign leadership team due to public disagreements over border policies.

The raid took place in Brooklyn early on Thursday, and neighbors reported hearing screams from Suggs’ residence during the operation. Suggs has been a key figure in Adams’ political circle, having earned more than $150,000 from the mayor’s campaign.

One of Suggs’ neighbors told The New York Post, “I heard screaming maybe two or three hours ago.” They also mentioned, “I heard helicopters (also) … the house is boarded up.”

The exact reasons for the raid remain unclear, but it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire in the ongoing rift between the Biden administration and Mayor Adams. Interestingly, Mayor Adams was scheduled to meet with the Biden administration in Washington D.C. today, but the meeting was abruptly canceled in light of the event.

An individual familiar with the raid mentioned that agents from a public corruption team in the FBI’s New York branch interacted with Suggs during the inspection of her residence. A representative from the FBI told the New York Times, “We are at that location carrying out law enforcement action,” alluding to Suggs’s house in the Crown Heights area of Brooklyn.

The NYT reported:

In the past two years, Mr. Adams’s re-election campaign has paid Ms. Suggs nearly $100,000 for fund-raising and campaign consulting services via her company, Suggs Solutions, according to city records.

His first mayoral campaign paid her more than $50,000.

Ms. Suggs has also registered as a lobbyist. State records indicate that a real estate concern hired Ms. Suggs, via an intermediary, to lobby the mayor’s office and the New York City Council on its behalf in 2022.

Ms. Suggs worked as an aide to Mr. Adams when he was Brooklyn borough president, and Ingrid Lewis-Martin — currently the mayor’s top adviser — was his deputy.

Ms. Suggs is also deeply embedded in outside efforts to advance the mayor’s agenda. A key ally’s political action committee, Striving for a Better New York, that promised to support state candidates aligned with Mr. Adams on policy matters, has paid Ms. Suggs roughly $100,000.

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