Top Republicans Agree With Sean Hannity That It Is Time For Jordan To Be Speaker – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

As the contest for Speaker of the House continues, the top candidate, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, has received some fantastic news.

Two top Republican representatives spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Friday and gave the Speaker candidate a ringing endorsement.

Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy and Republican Florida Rep. Brian Mast agreed with the host that it is time for the Republicans to get behind Rep. Jordan and elect him Speaker.

“The people’s house needs to be reopened, and these band-aid solution ideas or doing a deal with the Democrats, that is not acceptable leadership from the Republican party. I know the majority is small, but as far as I’m concerned, Jim Jordan right now has a significant majority of the votes. It is time to elect him speaker and open the people’s house. Do you agree?” he said to the Florida representative.


“I totally agree. I think Jim Jordan has something even more important than what you just mentioned. He has something that this place lacks. He has trust in the American people. I hear from people all the time back home that want to hear from Jim Jordan, want to know where Jim Jordan is on a position, believe in Jim Jordan, and if for nothing else, if he can bring a level of trust back to this institution that we work in, that is to me one of the most forefront reasons to move him forward as this next speaker of the House of Representatives,” the Florida representative said

As the Republicans bicker about who they want for Speaker, the Democrats have hatched a plan to get the power for themselves.

House Minority Leader and Democrat New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has called on moderate Republicans to talk to Democrats about power sharing.

“I’m hopeful that my traditional Republican colleagues who are interested in governance, who care about the institution of the people’s House, are willing to sit down and talk with us about finding an enlightened path and agreement that allows us to do the business of the American people and solve problems for hardworking American taxpayers,” the representative said.

House Republicans on Friday emerged from their conference after nominating Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to become the next Speaker, which could have implications far beyond the halls of Congress if he manages to win.

According to The New York Times, GOP leaders decided to hold off on a Speaker vote until next week since several members have said they don’t yet support Jordan. He is the second Republican to be nominated after Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) failed to win enough support from the caucus to win the gavel.

“By a vote of 124 to 81, Mr. Jordan defeated Representative Austin Scott of Georgia, a mainstream conservative and an ally of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy who had decided just hours earlier to seek the nomination,” The Times reported. “Mr. Scott had effectively put himself forward as a protest candidate against Mr. Jordan, the co-founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump’s.”

“But while Mr. Jordan won the contest, his quest for the speakership still faced serious challenges. A second secret-ballot vote revealed that a sizable chunk of Republicans did not intend to support him on the floor, where he needs 217 votes to win the gavel. It was a continuation of the bitter party infighting that has broken out in recent days, paralyzing the House,” the outlet continued.


Las week Rep. Steve Scalise was voted to be the nominee but, after he could not get the votes needed to secure the Speakership he stepped aside and now Rep. Jordan is the nominee.

But Jordan has been faced with the task of getting the votes to become Speaker and it has proven to be a daunting task for him too.

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