Most Americans Believe Joe Biden Did Something Wrong In Hunter Biden Deals – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that President Joe Biden is corrupt and that he was definitely involved in his son Hunter Biden’s nefarious business deals, according to a new survey.

The question posed to adults by AP-NORC pollsters asked: “When it comes to the overseas business dealings of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, do you think Joe Biden has done something illegal, or he has done something unethical but not illegal, or do you think he has not done anything wrong?”

More than two-thirds — 68 percent — of Americans polled believe Joe Biden did something illegal or unethical in connection with his son’s foreign business dealings. Delving further into the poll, 35 percent of those asked say they believe that Biden did something illegal, while 33 percent said they think what he did was unethical. Just 30 percent said they don’t believe he had done anything wrong.

The Daily Caller added:


A whopping 97% of Republicans believe Joe Biden acted illegally or unethically in Hunter Biden’s business dealings compared to 40% of Democrats who believe so; 58% of Democrats think Joe Biden did nothing wrong. The poll was conducted from Oct. 5-9 with a nationwide sample of 1,163 adults and a plus or minus 3.9% margin of error.

House Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry in September related to Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings and the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and firearms possession. The Oversight Committee led the first impeachment inquiry hearing in late September and subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s bank records after the hearing concluded.

Joe Biden has repeatedly denied having any involvement whatsoever in Hunter’s business deals, but Republican-led House committees beg to differ. The House Oversight Committee has released over 20 examples of evidence tying the president to Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

“There is mounting evidence that Joe Biden was involved in his family’s influence peddling schemes, including while he served as Vice President,” the committee said in a statement.

“Democrats and their corporate media allies continue to ignore this overwhelming evidence as they seek to distract the American people from the Biden family’s corruption,” the panel added.

In August, Rep. James Comer, chairman of the Oversight Committee, said he planned, at some point, to issue a subpoena to members of the Biden family to compel their testimony in certain matters.

“This is always going to end with the Bidens coming in front of the committee. We are going to subpoena the family. We know that this is going to end up in court when we subpoena the Bidens,” he told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.

“So we’re putting together a case, and I think we’ve done that very well. We’ve shown the bank records,” he said.

“If I had subpoenaed Joe and Hunter Biden the first day I became chairman of the committee, it would have been tied up in court, and the judge would have eventually thrown it out,” the representative said.


“We have put together a case that I think would stand up in any court of law in America,” he said. “We want to talk to about three or four more associates first. We’ve been communicating with a couple of them.

“We’re trying to bring them in just like we did Devin Archer for a transcribed interview,” the representative said. “If they don’t come in voluntarily, then they’ll be subpoenaed.”

“It’s very difficult. You know how hard the Democrats tried to get Donald Trump. So this is very difficult,” he said.

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