Trump Outlines Signficant New Anti-Crime Policy He’ll Implement As President – Trump News Today



OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Former President Donald Trump has released a new plan designed to fight rising crime across the country, even as several lawmakers in the nation’s capital now feel like they are under siege.

“Trump says if re-elected to the White House he will enact a sweeping new law-and-order agenda that will create federal authority for stop-and-frisk policies and new indemnification from lawsuits to help local police fighting intensifying crime in blue urban areas,” Just the News reported.

In a rangy interview with the outlet, Trump said that Americans around the country are tired of seeing stores looted, neighbors mugged and beaten, and their cars repeatedly stolen amid ‘criminal reform’ policies implemented by far-left district attorneys who refuse to prosecute lawbreaking.

“You know, we’re a laughingstock all over the world,” he told a town hall-style event sponsored by the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) and televised nationally on the Real America’s Voice network.

“No other country has this, where our police are great, but they’re not allowed to do anything because they’re standing there watching these kids walk out with very expensive items, destroying businesses. And then the business closes, and they have empty stores all over the place,” Trump added.

The 45th president outlined a number of new crime-fighting measures that include creating federal jurisdiction for implementing stop-and-frisk policies that were put in place in New York City by then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani, which led to significantly lower violent crime rates in the city.


“You have to also do a stop-and-frisk program,” he said. “You know, we had stop and frisk in New York, Rudy Giuliani did it incredibly. … They did strong but fair stop-and-frisk. And it worked.

“You’re gonna have to do it. And if you don’t do it, your cities, you can’t walk down the street,“ he added. “These people, they go for a loaf of bread, they end up being shot and killed.”

Trump called upon law enforcement officials to implement more robust and aggressive measures in response to the surges of violent crime afflicting cities. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that offenders face consequences and encounter a deterrent that dissuades them from committing further crimes.

“If you spent one really tough, vicious day and you tell them don’t ever do it again because if you do it again, people are going to get seriously hurt if you walk out of a store carrying two television sets under your arms. It would stop immediately. Stop immediately. All over the country,” he said.

The former president, who is currently ahead of the 2024 GOP candidates by a significant margin of 40 to 50 points in polls, stated that he intends to collaborate with Congress in establishing additional safeguards such as indemnification measures. The provisions are aimed at boosting the confidence of police officers when it comes to combatting crime and apprehending wrongdoers. Currently, certain cities and states are eliminating qualified immunity for officers in relation to their official actions.

“You’re not allowed to do anything because they (officers) don’t want to lose their family, their pension, their house, their wife. … And they say, ‘All right, look, we can’t do anything.‘ They’re told not to do anything.

“And one thing I’m going to do is on a federal basis, I’m going to indemnify any and all police officers from having a problem,” he added. “Now people will say, well, that’s bad, because some will be bad actors. But it’s very few. But we’re going to indemnify the police. We’re going to indemnify the city. And we’re going to indemnify the state. … So that they can fight without having to worry about the fact that they’ll spend the next 10 years in court.”

The policy outline comes as one GOP lawmaker admitted this week that a growing number of congress members are sleeping in their offices because they feel Washington, D.C., has become too dangerous.

Rep. Eric Burlison said that many of his fellow lawmakers are now sleeping in their congressional offices because they are fearful of being attacked or murdered on the increasingly dangerous streets of Washington, D.C.

Burlison made the shocking admission Wednesday during an interview with radio host Todd Starnes on his podcast.

The Missouri lawmaker’s stunning revelation came after Starnes noted that Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) had been robbed and carjacked on Monday in the Navy Yard neighborhood of the nation’s capital, where several Congress members live.


“How dangerous is it in Washington?” Starnes asked.

“It’s very dangerous,” Burlison responded. “I mean, it’s insane to even own a car in D.C. because wherever you park, it is going to cost you a fortune, and it’s likely to get broken into and you’re likely to get carjacked.”

“You know, we hunker down in the Capitol building. … It’s a security calculation to actually sleep in your office,” Burlison added.

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